
Frequently Asked Questions

At Luna, we understand that all of this can be overwhelming. Here are some of the more common questions that we get. Hopefully it will help you in your journey to receiving ABA services.
1What Does an ABA Program Involve?
ABA services start with a robust assessment. After the assessment piece, treatment plans are designed, and now it is SHOW time. A team of therapist/s and supervisor/s are there to support the learner and learner’s family to ensure all programs are running smoothly. Caretaker involvement is genuinely crucial as it provides generalization and maintenance.
2Does ABA work for teenagers and adults?
There is no age limit; however, you should find professionals who have expertise in addressing behaviors likely to be seen in teenage years or adulthood. For example, a 3-year-old might not be too interested in finding a job and living independently. At Luna, we are proud to offer our services for individuals between 0-31 years of age.
3How do I know if my insurance covers me for ABA services?
Navigating insurance coverage might not be an easy task. But we are here to assist by contacting your insurance carrier and communicating with you. At Luna, we are familiar with quite a few Regional centers and insurance companies. Call us for a free consult.
4My child does not speak. Can ABA help?
At Luna Behavior Health we begin working on communication skills from the onset of services. We are proud to have professionals on our clinical teams who are experts in teaching communication skills. Our mission is to help clients learn to communicate their wants, needs, likes and dislikes in ways that are understood and accepted by all.
5My child is not interested in playing with others. Can ABA help?
Absolutely! Social skills such as turn-taking (as simple as it sounds) is a learned behavior. At Luna, we have professional experts to teach this behavior in the most naturalistic setting.
6I have heard ABA is rigid and too strict. Is that true?
From the onset of services, we work on shaping flexibility, choice making and learning to accept changes in daily routines, while at the same time shaping following rules and routines (e.g. bedtime routines, homework routines) when needed. When teaching new skills, we teach flexible responses from the onset. We also shape flexibility by teaching to accept the denial of requests and tolerate sudden changes in daily events and changes in family dynamics without engaging in challenging behaviors.